Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hiking around Rockport

We took three short hikes around the Rockport and Rockland. We were quite fortunate in the weather in which rain held off until the afternoon.

Martin Point Wildlife Preserve in Friendship. Fun trail in which little houses had been made. I envisioned young children taking walks and making little houses.

young pine trees uprooted taking moss with them


Marshall Point Lighthouse stands on a rocky point at the end of the St. George peninsula in Maine. The lighthouse aids navigation along the Gulf of Maine coast and marks the entrance to the mouth of the St. George River and the harbor located in the fishing village of Port Clyde.

Lobster boats near the lighthouse

 The house connected to the lighthouse

Fuel was changed from lard to more volatile fuels for the lamp so a separate house needed to be built.

"Point" Lighthouse

The ocean from the lighthouse

Powerful Atlantic Ocean

Duck fishing

Beech Hill Preserve in Rockport

 From Summit of the Beech Hill

We have seen these brilliant red berries on bushes throughout this area

Maine State Prison Store: Inmates are trained in wood and other products. Exceptional crafts at reasonable prices. Inmates have to meet certain behavioral criteria. There are a 1000 inmates at the facility but only 125 slots.  The inmates get paid at $1.25/hr and get raises up to $4.50 hr.

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