Monday, November 18, 2019

Appalachian Trail at Rangeley Piazza Rock and then out to Breakwater light house

Left at 6 am to drive about 3 hours to western Maine and the Appalachian Trail

Left over snow from last week.  Trailhead to Rangeley Piazza Road. Between temperature and difficulties of knowing what we will be stepping on and remaining on the trail, we lowered our expectations to cover 4.2 miles in and then out. But we were on the AT!

Allen ready and looking at his feet, you can see that the snow is about 4 inches or so deep.

Our trail with the classic Appalachian mark

Warning that hunting season is going on and to wear bright clothes-gulp....

We saw these types of prints winding through the woods.  I think they are moose prints-any thoughts?


Dream Come True

Driving back to Rockland and saw a sign for Maple Syrup in the little town of Strong.  The house looked vacant and I walked around the entire building. When I looked in one window, it appeared to store bags of something (later wood?). Then I came around the last side and there were curtains and a door. I could hear a TV. I knocked on the door and this tiny woman came to the door. She said, yes, she was selling syrup and to come around near the "garage." Walking through the bags, I entered her warm kitchen.  Her son has land near by where he taps Maple Trees in Spring and has a bulding where he cooks down the sap. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup.  I bought two quarts so that would be 20 gallons of sap.

Common Sense Building--many older homes attached to all outbuildings including the barn

Beautiful Belfast with two bodies of water on both sides

The Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse sits at the end of a granite breakwater that stretches 4,346 feet into Rockland Harbor. During the seawall's 18-year construction, a series of temporary lights and lanterns were placed to warn mariners. Construction of the breakwater was completed in 1900. The permanent lighthouse was finished in 1902.  

As we walked out the Breakwater, the serene view among the trees.

The walk on the stones is a bit rough with large gaps between many of the rocks.

View of the Lighthouse

Sunset as we walked back to shore.

Allen's feast after a vigorous day. I had lobster stew.  I am on a vegetarian break but am able to camouflage it. 

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